Essentials of Computer Networking And Internet Protocols

4 min readFeb 25, 2021


There are currently many devices connecting to the internet in this world. It is calculated by last year many devices will report the users and their data seamlessly over the internet. The internet will become to be very inflexible, well designed and organized for such a rich ecosystem.

Actually, the organization of the Internet is very complex. First of all, you will have to understand how a basic computer network works. We will discuss the two broad categories of computer networking in this tutorial, which should give you an idea of how computer networks are organized, and give you some information about the various types of computer networks that we can see today.

Computer Network Structure

What are Essentials of computer networking?

A computer network is a group of computers linked each one via a channel of communication.

All computer devices are called end systems or users. users that send requests are called clients, while servers are called hosts that receive requests. A network of communication links and packet switches connect the end systems together. Communication links consist of various physical media types, including coaxial cable, wide copper, optical fiber, and radio spectrum. With the transmission rate of a link measured in bits / second, different links can transmit data at different rates. The sending end system segments the data and adds header bytes to each segment when one end system has data to send to another end system.

The resulting information packages, known as packets, are then sent to the target end system via the network, where they are reassembled into the original data. A packet switch takes a packet that arrives on one of its incoming communication connections and forwards that packet to one of its outgoing communication connections. Routers and link-layer switches are common packet switches.

What is the Internet Protocols?

All Internet components run protocols that control the sending and receiving of information over the Internet. Two of the most significant protocols on the Internet are the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol. The IP protocol specifies the format of the packets the router and end systems send and receive between them.

The Basic Protocols, their acronym and its purpose are in below table.

Basic Internet Protocols, Acronym and Purpose

It is important that everyone agrees on what each and every protocol does, given the importance of protocols to the Internet, so that people can create systems and products that operations.

What is OSI Layer Architecture?

A conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system is the OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model). In order to increase interoperability between different products and software, the OSI model characterizes computing functions within a universal set of rules and requirements.

Internet Protocols are organized in an architecture with layers. Let’s imagine that you are trying to look for a meme or whatever from Google’s image search to explain this. The server has a stored related image of ours. It will try to convert that image into a package with all the necessary headers before the server sends out that information.

What is TCP/IP model?

TCP / IP determine how the internet must connect to a specific computer and how data can be transmitted between them. When multiple computer networks are connected together, it helps you to create a virtual network. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol for Transmission media. It is specifically planned to provide an extremely reliable and end-to-end byte transfer over an unreliable internet network as a model.

OSI Model vs TCP/IP Model

The series from the server to the site. When the server detects the information requested by the client, it will first transform it to a packet and apply the header to the Application Layer. This protocol includes HTTP which provides for requesting and transmitting Web documents, SMTP which provides for e-mail address transfers, and FTP which provides for requesting and transferring Web documents which provides for the transfer of file between two end systems. After that, the protocol Transport Layer incorporates the necessary modifications.

Later, between server endpoints, this transports application-layer communications. TCP which offers connection-oriented services for its applications and UDPP are standard transport layer protocols which provides connection-less services to its applications. Right after that comes the Network Layer. It is the duty of this protocol to transfer network layer packets or datagrams from one host to another.

Finally, through the contact links, the Network Access Layer takes control of the switch. The whole procedure takes place in reverse to convert the packets back to the original picture until the server receives the box.


